
Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Pretends to Care About a Murdered Black Teenager

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/14/2013 12:40:35 pm PDT

re: #118 A Mom Anon

Someone on the radio made a great point the other day. It went like this:

“As a test to see what the difference between to two words are, I will say this first: Cracker, Cracker, Cracker, Cracker, Cracker. Now, I will say another word (insert several bleeped out mentions of the other word in this stupid conversation). The difference is if I say Cracker, life for me on the radio stays the same. I say the other nasty word, I get fined and most likely lose my job. Why would that be ya think?”

There also used to be a baseball team called the Atlanta Crackers. In Florida, there is a Cracker Museum, and it was used as another term for someone from Florida. No white person was offended by this until it became something to whine about because the offensive word was finally deemed offensive by people with some damned sense and compassion. Racists NEED to be victims, if they aren’t their racism has no fine veneer to hide behind anymore.

An editorial I saw put it this way. You’re called cracker, worst that happens is your feelings are probably upset. People were called that other word while being subjungated to slavery, lynchings, being second class citizens, etc. And frankly cracker doesn’t even bother me precisely because of the former since my race wasn’t subject to the above mentioned for generations by people using that word to imply that we were somehow less than human.