
How Sick Is the Anti-Choice Religious Right? This Sick.

Lidane10/27/2013 12:27:48 am PDT

re: #117 Kragar

Because contraception is murder.

Anti-choice idiots DO think it’s murder. You know, because a woman’s uterus is filled with a bunch of tiny fetuses just waiting for a sperm to come along and pick them out of the lineup to be born.

Personally, I’m in favor of expanded sex ed without all that abstinence bullshit and without all the social conservative fail. Give people real, unbiased information about their bodies and about sex. Hell, if you really want to scare kids from having kids, show them a video of a woman in labor or a C-section. That should do until they’re in their 20’s, at least.

Also, expanded and affordable access to birth control and emergency contraception. People are human and humans can be idiots, so ensuring that people have the means to control their reproduction until they’re sure they want kids is key. This not only lowers the abortion rate, but it also allows for things like the condom breaking or whatever while ensuring that an unintended pregnancy never becomes an issue.