
In Which Failed Republican Joe Walsh Tweets About VP Biden Having a "Black Friend"

Lidane4/17/2014 5:09:35 am PDT

So I sent off thank you notes for the job interviews I had last week. Heard back tonight from the manager in Seattle I did the phone screen with after my in person interviews here in Austin. This is the reply I got:

It was nice speaking with you as well. Thanks for the time and for addressing some of my concerns.

In terms of next steps, you should hear from HR soon but we are slightly behind schedule. We have a final candidate coming into the office early next week so I would hope to move forward soon after that.
Thanks for checking in.

GAH. And this is for a position he said had urgency behind it, and that they wanted to hire ASAP. At this rate it’s going to be May before I start working again assuming I get the job. I’m going to have to figure out something with my landlord. I’d asked to pay him at the end of this month figuring I would’ve started working by now. *sigh*