
Separated at Birth: Pee-wee Greenwald?

Lidane5/11/2014 5:23:02 pm PDT

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

Which is is why the author was criticizing bad behavior by some firearms owners: He’s trying to present a better image of firearms owners in an effort to get more women interested in firearms. This also has the bonus that those clubs and gun ranges that become more female friendly won’t be appealing places for the sorts of asshole you are criticizing.

When there are gun store owners and shooting instructors openly saying they won’t train or sell to Obama voters, libruls, or anyone who even looks like a Democrat, I think the problems facing the “firearms community” are much deeper than just making guns more palatable for women.

This is the same cognitive dissonance that the GOP specializes in — fixing the messenger instead of the message itself. There seems to be this idea that if you make the messengers more appealing that people will overlook the message. That’s not necessarily the case.

it’s not a perfect plan, but what plan is? It’s an idea that if brought to fruition would in my opinion make the United States a slightly better place, and that’s a worthy goal.

Why do we need more people in the “firearms community” for this country to be better? There are already a fuckton of guns out there. Why do I need to buy one and shoot one in order to improve the country? And how does it improve anything for me to own a gun?