
Arizona Politician Mistakes YMCA Campers for Migrant Children

Reality Based Steve7/15/2014 7:18:16 pm PDT

re: #115 Lidane

That’s what pisses me off the most about these assholes and their protests. It’s also what scares me the most about the militia yahoos going to “defend the border” in Texas. It would be so easy for these idiots to hurt or intimidate American kids without realizing it because they’ve decided that brown people = illegal.

There are a bunch of kids on the border who are American but don’t speak English because their parents have decided to emphasize Spanish first and then focus on English when their kids start school. Plus, down there damn near everyone speaks both languages. It’s normal. That’s going to make it harder for the gun fuckers to just aim at the brown kids and tell them to go back home.

I have a horribly bad record at making predictions, so I’m going to make mine here and hope that my track record holds up and this never happens.

I see a case where there is a bus of immigrants, documented or not is immaterial. Group of militia types try to stop the bus, screaming crowd, the kind of things that we’ve already seen. Bus driver panics, foot slips and the bus lurches, or he tries to drive through them to get away.

Somebody fires a round off, and at that point it won’t be over until all the magazines are empty.

I really really hope that I’m wrong, but I can see it happening so easily that it scares me.