
Minnesota Police Tase and Arrest Black Man for Sitting in a Public Space

Rightwingconspirator8/28/2014 11:25:36 am PDT

Hey as a guy who pushes it some with my camera and sometimes a helper or two and some gear, I want to tell ya that while I might be in my rights to refuse to say who I am, or why I’m there I find it well worthwhile to go ahead and provide that information. And I’m a white guy. Sometimes that not really a request for your information as much as it it an attitude check. Uncooperative=covering for criminal behavior in their minds.

Here is a link to a story at PINAC (about to become a site dedicated to opposing police abuse across the board) where the guy is deliberately uncooperative. Now just in my opinion, some of these guys are provoking the police. Including the guy linked. That’s just stupid more than brave “navigating the waters” of personal civil rights.

When/if the police violate your rights the most unhelpful place and time to expect any change or help is on the spot. Think that through. It means you need to avoid getting hurt up front, and redress your grievances later.

This in fact is my one hesitation about Carlos and his site PINAC. I don’t think provocations are the best cases to point out violations. But hey, just like here, his site, his rules own it. And he started the site as a victim of police abuse himself. As it happens I just signed up to his site, and might collaborate with him on a video.