
Saturday Jam: Bob Schneider, "Cheaper"

Reality Based Steve10/17/2015 7:48:50 pm PDT

Well I’m diving tomorrow, have freeze warnings for tonight. Going to be a brisk 40* or so when we start setting up at 9 AM, and a predicted high of about 60 come mid-afternoon. I know the students are going to be suffering a bit, wetsuits are COLD once you get out of the water. Water temp down to about 20 foot is 68*, then drops to 56* by 40 foot, and is 46* at 60 feet. We won’t have them going below the first thermocline except for a quick trip to an old 1940’s firetruck to sign a log we keep there.

Despite the cold, this is the perfect time to be diving the quarry. Visibility is 50-60 feet, opposed to the usual 20. I’m going to enjoy these.

We’ve told everybody to bring extra towels, warm clothes like a track suit they can slip into to help stay warm.

As for me, I’m taking advantage of the fact that I have a dry suit, and 200 and 400 gram thinsulate and fleece undergarments to go with it. I am going to be warm, dry and happy.

Funny thing, when I drove the Impala, I would fit all my gear into the trunk. Now that I have a mini-van, it all fits into the back area with the rear seat folded down. (Of course it’s better organized and a lot easier to pack / unpack. I wonder, if I get a semi-trailer, will the same gear expand to fit that?