
The Bob & Chez Show: The First Debate

Yeah Sure WhatEVs9/27/2016 4:09:20 pm PDT

re: #90 Wozza Matter?

I will offer a word of caution - *nobody* thought the people of the UK would be so crass, xenophobic, idiotic, churlish, economically illiterate and generally stupid enough to vote to leave a staple trading bloc of the world.
Facts, logic & reasoned argument counted for nothing.

I spoke to people who could give no solid reason for making a vote against the economic future of the UK, yet they did it anyway. They have thrown away the economy and polling suggests many would do it again. It’s ‘gut feeling’, ‘taking back control’, ‘too many foreigners’ - the same messages Trump is pushing to an even lower information electorate.

I saw an interview the other week with a guy who’s been travelling the states and going to the Podunk towns and he is convinced Trump will win because while folks were confident enough to tell him they would vote for Trump they clammed up as soon as a reporter or pollster asked. There are likely to be a massive number of under reported trump voters.

Just a friendly warning from somewhere the electorate actually did decide to pull this kind of shit

I think you’re right and the thought of the polling being off due to embarrassment terrifies me. I’ve said for some time that trump is the Brexit candidate.