
Video: Seth Meyers Checks in on Trump's "Evolving" Views on Religion

lawhawk8/02/2017 6:01:55 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area.

Pence is off in Europe trying to reassure our NATO allies that the US will stand by them, all while Trump dithers and undermines our alliances. Trump’s also delaying on signing the sanctions bill because it might upset Trump’s boss Putin.

Meanwhile, Kelly is trying to impose some kind of order in the West Wing, and we’re getting all kinds of leaks about how Trump needs to be structured and focused, and that he’s now spouting stats in briefings.

So, what everyone is saying here is that Trump is a know-nothing reactionary incompetent who needed someone with discipline to try and control the chaos that Trump created in the WH and fill the vacuum with some kind of leadership. This is what the GOP chose; to bring chaos, lack of leadership, incompetence, and people devoted to destroying government.

Look, it’s not just Trump. Ryan and the rest of the GOP are intent on destroying government and the safety net just as surely as Trump intends. We see it through the cabinet picks, the budget choices Ryan and McConnell are making, and the consequences of those actions.