
Colbert: Russia's War Machine Slowed by Cheap Gear and Expired Rations

Florida Panhandler3/11/2022 2:39:30 pm PST

re: #118 Punish Domestic Terrorists

I think Greenwald is just a useful anti-American idiot rather than intentionally selling out to Russia, but I could be wrong about that. The same can’t be true of Carlson since no one is so stupid that they’d keep doing what they’re doing as they’re shown in enemy propaganda day after day.

Tucker Carlson is an American white supremacist first and foremost who feels an affinity for a “fellow white” country in Putin’s Russia. In his mind, Carlson’s fever dream of a white supremacist USA can best be achieved by a successful Putin effort in full-on Imperialist Russian Supremacism in Europe. Carlson and Putin are fellow travelers only, Putin is a full-on Russian Supremacist which is a much more specific sort of hate-based ideology other than the typical American brand of simplistic White Supremacism. Carlson is a stooge to Putin, nothing more, easily replaced and discarded once his deplorable actions have been exhausted and used up.