
Simply Gorgeous: "The Lakes of Pontchartrain" - Trevor Gordon Hall, Sönke Meinen, and Bjarke Falgren

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/15/2022 5:52:46 pm PDT

re: #116 TarHellion

Didn’t realize until a few years ago that hockey shifts are quite short. Maybe 25-35 seconds of clock time per shift. But you think about how draining skating forward and backward while in full pads must be. Let alone gathering speed to play offense or defense

And the game flow is such that you have to hustle and play at full speed the entire shift in order to get where you need to be. Which is why there is all the strategy involved in timing shifts, preventing an opponent’s tired line from switching off if you can, and making the most of opportunities which can occur at the high speed the game moves in.

I was never a good skater, but my brother took it up in his late 20s. I think he finally had to give up the weekly games* he played in a few years ago. So the team game I played personally was usually basketball.**

* - A step above shinny. Goalies had full gear, but everyone else chipped in to pay their ice fees. Did not wear full pads, and some local rules regarding slap shots and trying to limit contact and avoid injuries.

** - Have a particular dislike of professional basketball since the pro game has eschewed serious defense in order to general flamboyant scoring. And the obvious long-term advantages of 3-point shooting has made watching mediocre NBA teams play each other tedious. Much prefer watching college or high school play since there seems to be much more attention paid to defense, controlled passing, and teamwork.