
Poll: Should Reuters/AP Let Readers Know When Photos Come from Questionable Sources?

darthstar6/11/2010 5:37:40 pm PDT

re: #105 Cato the Elder

And you reach this conclusion how, pray?

Or is it just wussful thinking on your part?

Wussful thinking, I guess. I’m one of those freaks of nature who tends to believe that people are generally good by nature, until they demonstrate otherwise. Most of the people on that flotilla are participating because they believe that people in Gaza are suffering and they’re willing to put themselves out there with a lot of people hating them as you do just to call attention to injustice as they see it.

You believe there is no suffering in Gaza, or if there is, Hamas is 100% responsible. I get that. Maybe when all the bad fuckers are dead the good ones can live in peace. I just refuse to believe that all the people in Gaza are bad fuckers.