
Open Thread, w/ Message to Haters

Renaissance_Man1/23/2011 11:37:18 am PST

re: #112 BigPapa

I just don’t this factor as significant. Any well known condescending intellectuals of any significant impact that would fit this mold?

It just seems like a false narrative built upon the ‘liberal professor’ stereotype being of significant scale.

I guarantee that 95% of those who condemn ‘those intellectuals’ for lecturing from their ivory towers and their snobbery towards the common man cannot name five ‘intellectuals’ whose works they have ever read any part of.

In other words, this idea that ‘intellectuals’ have fostered resentment in the ‘common man’ through their sneering lectures is a ridiculous canard.

It’s the first stirring of the current hate cult - those liberals/intellectuals/elites out there, they hate you, they look down on you because they think you’re stupid. Therefore you must hate everything they stand for. Sure, you haven’t read anything of theirs, but that’s okay, we’ll tell you what they stand for.