
Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

lostlakehiker8/18/2011 9:38:31 pm PDT

re: #93 ausador

Well obviously these plant and animal species do not know the love and reassurance that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus. If they did then they would know that they were simply destined to die and that trying to survive is futile. Whether or not man ruins the global climate is meaningless since we were given dominion over the earth by God. Plants and animals are ours to destroy as we see fit but God will never let his sheep flock suffer from their rampant destruction of the ecology!


What about that bit about keeping and tending the earth? Is that injunction “no longer operative”?

For those who choose a life of faith, sincerity requires taking that sort of thing seriously. The faithful don’t get to cherry pick which commandments count and which don’t. Lapses, well, good religious people are also mortal with mortal failings and nobody has any right to get all huffy about religion when, inevitably, some good Christian/Jew/Muslim/etc. gets drunk and cusses. Or falls for another woman/man/whatever.

But global warming is different. Decisions to wreck the whole earth, taken with cool deliberation and pursued even without the spur of temptation to earthly delights might, logic suggests, be judged rather firmly upstairs. And we fellow mortals here in this realm need not cut quite so much slack either.

Lying about matters of life and death for billions of people, just to get some votes? That’s reprehensible, to say the least. And if the speaker is himself deluded, but is famous and has a real shot at the presidency or other high office, that’s no excuse. With a bit of an open mind and a week or two of serious, sincere talks with the kinds of experts that would be more than happy to go into patient and careful detail on the matter, he could clear up his ignorance. If he doesn’t, it’s because he doesn’t want to.

As to those who choose to rely on reason, well, human reason is weak and error prone. It requires enormous discipline to think halfway straight about even, say, chess. Quick and dirty reasoning about momentous issues is not reasoning, it’s just bias confirmation all dressed up.