
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/09/2011 11:11:57 am PDT

Related to general derpitude from both parties….

There was a massive blackout in California and Az. It was caused by human error at an Az substation and left some 5 million without power.
OK bad enough, but not the real story. Here is the real point:

We have done the bare minimum for our infrastructure to such an extent that one person’s screw up in Az can knock out power to 5 million people. Imagine what would happen if someone had acted with a little planning and malice.

Of course improving our infrastructure, which is something desperately needed - particularly by modernizing the power grid, would create millions of jobs and ultimately pay for itself in saved energy costs. But the government would have to actually spend money on things other than corporate welfare to do that. The GOP can’t possibly allow such a thing and the Dems don’t have the organization to actually have this on the radar.