
Marco Rubio: Just Another Right Wing Creationist

Rightwingconspirator11/19/2012 12:41:22 pm PST

re: #107 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears

I would content that saying “fair share” as an economics expert is pretty empty rhetoric until you at least estimate what that might be. So for discussion-What tax charts are best today (trick question, past rates may not be correct at all)
Eisenhower? Kennedy? Reagan? Clinton? HW Bush? I advocate the Clinton era in as much as that’s the only choices.

Somebody show me the math that points to the best tax rates for growth today please. Frankly I think 1950’s tax rates are about as relevant as Ozzie and Harriets lifestyle today. Great if you like it, but that’s most of a lifetime ago. Heck who decides how much should be individual vs corporate tax? What’s best? Show me.