
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

Vicious Babushka6/07/2010 9:13:09 pm PDT

re: #1230 Cato the Elder

Just met My Moonbat Brother™ taking out the trash.

He told me the following, in no uncertain terms.

A. Helen Thomas was right.
B. Israel created Hamas by alchemical oppression.
C. The image of a crazed Jewish terrorist holding a knife while a bloodied Palestinian Authority policeman lies cringing on the ground is known as “Tuesday” in the real world.
D. Israel’s defeat of six invading eliminationist Arab armies in 1948 was not a miracle, nor yet a stunning surprise, because “the Jews” have always been big strong bullies over there.
E. Peace activists should not be mocked.
Z. Obama should grow a pair and stop kowtowing to Israel.

This is what I get for mentioning Israel in his presence.

Alouette, this is a lonely guy. Any chance Your Moonbat Sister™ is looking to get married? He’s really nice and smart other than his IDS, and maybe they could be happy together.

Hmm, she just got divorced. Her ex was a real douche, so I don’t think she’s interested in another guy at this point in time.