
Investigation Into Missing Malaysian Jet Expands

Dark_Falcon3/17/2014 7:43:58 pm PDT

re: #113 Kragar

What kind of fucking idiot thinks you can sell unserialized weapons with no registration legally?

Those are unfinished “80% lower receivers”. Ares Armor says they are gun parts, but the ATF considers them to be firearms (the lower receiver is the controlled component of a rifle under US law). Here’s an article on the story from a pro-gun but sane website. It also contains critical information about the restraining order that the nutbars left out:

Ares Armor raided by ATF after restraining order overruled (VIDEO)

California based Ares Armor saw the ATF execute search warrants on its two locations Saturday even after a judge had granted the business a restraining order against such an action.

With its sale of EP Armory 80 percent polymer lowers being scrutinized by a new ATF determination letter that classifies these parts as firearms, Ares had earlier asked for protection from the Bureau after claiming that agents wanted not only the gun parts in question but also the names of 5,000 customers in the company’s database.

U.S. District Judge Janis Lynn Sammartino granted an ex parte application order to the ATF Friday afternoon, which set the stage for Saturday’s raid. The order set aside the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and prohibits Ares Armor from taking any steps to “destroy, transfer, sell, or otherwise divest themselves” of the polymer lower receivers in its inventory. In an ex parte filing, the other party is not generally given an opportunity to oppose an action or even given notice that it is being asked for.

With the court order in hand, the ATF was eligible to proceed with a search warrant from the U.S. Magistrate for the lowers in question, as the TRO did “not restrain lawful criminal proceedings.” The ATF delivered the search warrant Saturday.

“The ATF did execute a search warrant against all of our buildings today. None of our employees have been detained or arrested. We will be open for business tomorrow. We will be back up and shipping out orders on Monday,” wrote Dimitrios Karras, CEO of Ares Armor on the company’s Facebook page Saturday.

Read the full article for more details. It is far more informative than the crazed “Before Its News” piece.