
Dana Milbank Responds to Dylan Byers: Politico's Reporting Disaster

Justanotherhuman6/18/2014 12:54:16 pm PDT

I’m so sick of all this. People attacking others for who they are, for their religion (or not), their politics, their race, their hair color—whatever else they can cook up.

I still find it ironic that reporters like Byers find it so hard to keep their piehole shut when prodded by an organization to do a hit job on another journalist. Byers “feelings” have nothing to do with anything. Milbank wrote a column about a young woman being attacked for having the audacity to be a Muslim at a rightwing gathering that touts itself as “legitimate”.

Most of us know that Heritage lost its cred long ago. I suppose Byers never got the memo?

There was something that drew this young woman to the Republican Party; I just hope she understands that they are no longer the party she thinks they are, but have devolved into a racist, reactionary organization that will never accept her.

When you base your politics on religion, you, and everyone else, is bound to get the raw end of the deal.