
GotNewsDotCom Identifies Wrong Woman as Wife of Garland, TX, Shooter

Targetpractice5/05/2015 7:51:09 am PDT

re: #121 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Did Bain do anything with the pieces? Or just buy the pieces at a reduced cost?

Sold them off to other companies. They’d strip equipment out of a failing manufacturer and sell it off, they’d sell off failing divisions to rival companies, and then they’d start raiding the pension funds and any other money they could get their hands on in the company’s coffers. Then they’d further enrich their investors by buying up a bunch of new equipment or new workers using the company’s credit, saddling it with a whole shitload of new debt that it would never afford to pay off in order to do work that its old workers couldn’t handle.

If, after all that, it managed to survive, then Willard put it in his personal “win” column. If it failed, Bain shrugged its shoulders and moved on like a plague of locusts.