
New York Primary Open Thread

Lidane4/19/2016 6:46:21 pm PDT

Sorry for the OT but this tweet reminded me of something that happened earlier today:

We were in the middle of a marathon 4 1/2 hour biz dev meeting today when one of the millennials on staff suddenly asked what Tim McVeigh’s motives had been for blowing up the Murrah building. I explained that in his mind, he was getting revenge for the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs. Her next questions - “What standoff in Waco? And what’s Ruby Ridge?”

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I couldn’t very well get into all that during a meeting, especially not as the lone non-Republican. I just said that they were armed standoffs with the feds that caused a lot of controversy and suggested she look them up on Google.

And now I feel old. Fuck.