
Mail Bomb Suspect in Custody, and He's a Rabid Trump Cultist

Blind Frog Belly White10/26/2018 12:34:26 pm PDT

The MAGAvan reminds me of a crazy person who used to be around here* , whom Mrs. FBW and I called “The Paragraph Lady”. She’d set up on the corner of two very busy streets, with 3 to 4 3’x4’ signs, completely covered in 2” tall writing. Absolutely no way anyone could read it, certainly not while driving by. At some point, perhaps because the black-on-white signs didn’t seem to be working, she went to silver-on-white. You can imagine how well THAT worked!

Anyway, the obsessive need to cover as much as possible with images so small they can’t even be really seen from any distance made me think of her. I imagine they think if they just add this next bit of information, everyone will see that they’re right!

*(for Peninsulans, she hung out at Ralston and El Camino in Belmont)