
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Pressured Ukraine to Meddle in the 2020 Election

Dr Lizardo9/24/2019 3:19:06 am PDT

Plaid Cymru, the Welsh nationalist party, is now calling on PM Johnson to resign immediately in the wake of the UK Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling.

The supreme court has delivered a damming and unanimous verdict. Boris Johnson has broken the law for undermining the basic principles of democracy. The prime minister has shown himself to be no better than a tin-pot dictator, shutting down democracy to avoid scrutiny.

There is no question, the prime minister must resign immediately and a crash out Brexit stopped once and for all.

In his short time in office Boris Johnson has proven himself to be a deeply dangerous and anti-democratic leader, with no respect for the rule of law. It would be a complete affront to civilised society if the prime minister did not resign after this historic ruling.

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage is demanding that Dominic Cummings, PM Johnson’s chief strategist, should be given the boot:

BTW, Nigel and Dominic apparently can’t stand each other one bit.