
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Never Mind the Death Threats

The Ghost of a Flea10/24/2023 1:52:32 pm PDT

Every fucking thing about “human incapacity” that could be solved by automating personal vehicles would be solved vastly more efficiently by having public transportation or just not building the world to require cars to do basic tasks.

But that doesn’t create a permanent siphon from you personal wallet to the company managing the hardware and software for your car…

…and make no mistake, enshittification of automated personal vehicles is the promised land for the makers of this shit. They don’t just want you to own their product, they want (like social media companies or Google) to keep you constantly on the hook having to pay to keep the thing minimally functional. It’s the next step beyond the current enshittification where your car has to go to a licensed dealer who’s authorized to work on it’s firmware. The dream here is rent-seeking, with the potential added bonus of every monetizable bit of data they can scrape.