
Overnight Open Thread

Cognito3/09/2009 11:53:09 pm PDT

re: #108 ArchangelMichael

Belief in the rapture I thought was rather uncommon and bizarre even for evangelical protestants. Every Christian I know, does not believe in it. A small number of them are YECs, one I think is even a geocentrist (or at least entertains the idea), and even he does not believe in the rapture and thinks its a wacky fringe belief. I think that right there speaks volumes about this particular interpretation of scripture.

Are there really that many Christians who believe in literal interpretation of end times prophecy that also believe in pre-tribulation rapture?

Yes. I believe the end of the Bible in much the same way I believe the beginning. It’s not really about method, which is the thing we tend to get so hung up on.