
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

zombie5/24/2009 12:52:18 pm PDT

re: #80 Iron Fist

They weren’t really running guns. There were no Federal laws about guns when the Kennedys were making their pile. You could buy a Thompson submachinegun through the mail (if you had the money. Thompsons were a bit expensive even then), and pistols and rifles at your local hardware store.

That’s the way it should be. Maybe we’ll get back to that level of freedom if the Supreme Court will hand down more decisions like Heller. One can dream, anyway :-)

Sorry, can’t agree with you on that. if machine guns and pistols were absolutely freely available to everyone without restrictions, then every half-hearted criminal, jihadist, psychopath, school-shooter and wannabe killer could get guns capable of mass-killing on a moment’s notice. Do we really want that?

Since the Supreme Court recently upheld that the Second Amendment applies to individuals, we’ll still have access to guns for the foreseeable future. But I agree with those laws that require background checks and waiting periods. Because I don’t want the “bad guys” to get their hands on them that easily.