
Overnight Open Thread

Locker12/23/2009 6:53:17 am PST

re: #31 miguelj

Charles - I still like you and LGF, I too am against white suprmacists and climate deniers, but I do think you are mistakenly losing the focus on combatting islamofascism.
I know you disapprove now of a lot of the erstwhile neocon sites that still do largely focus on the fight against islamofascism, but still…

An interesting and well written blog features an author giving their viewpoint and writing about what they want to write about as opposed to pandering to an audience. In this respect Charles does a fantastic job, in my opinion.

It seems to be a mistake to assume that you should have any influence on the author’s focus. The upside is that you can become an author yourself and focus on “combatting islamofascism” to your hearts content. Then, when someone comments on your blog that you aren’t covering the evolution of fruitcake enough, you can basically tell them to fork off.