
Secretary of Agriculture Stands By Request for Sherrod's Resignation

What, me worry?7/20/2010 1:35:28 pm PDT

re: #90 Obdicut

Sometimes we win the fight and sometimes we lose. I’m not entirely surprised at the USDA’s decision. Any hint, any tiny little smell of controversy and they’ll run the other way. This is no different than any employer, government or private. I’ve worked in big business long enough to know that.

What I find more frightening that any bonehead like Breitbart can twist about someone’s statements and make them lose their job for some perceived act that never happened.

My feeling is that Sherrod will land on her feet. How do I know? I don’t, but often times these things work out as a blessing. In the least, I pray for that for her. That she quickly finds another jobs she loves even more.