
Video: Four Minutes Of Religious Hatred

Targetpractice6/18/2011 6:23:11 am PDT

re: #118 RogueOne

Something they couldn’t do if they had voted to give him permission to bomb libya back into the dark ages. He had them in a tough spot and let them up, they would have had to vote to give him permission or else they would have looked weak.

That’s because at the beginning of this, it was the GOP grabbing every news camera they could and bloviating about our need to be in Libya yesterday and how a “real” leader wouldn’t be waiting on approval to do so.

After that, it was bitching and moaning on TV that Obama’s failure to listen to them and act swiftly is why the rebels were still bass-ackwards and why Col. Mo had not yet assumed room temperature. At the time, the only person making noises over a failure to get Congressional approval was Dennis Kucinich.

Of course, now the GOP are making a fuss over Congressional approval because they’ve got Obama in a bind, either forced to seek said approval and being labeled a “war president,” ending operations and being accused of “retreating,” or facing potential censure/impeachment.