

Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿7/15/2012 9:46:24 pm PDT

re: #86 Gus

I knew them as LG for a long time and when I found out it was for “Life’s Good” I kind of laughed. Goofy name but they make great stuff.

Nelly but not Kuwait, according to Teh Wiki at least:

In 1995, to compete better in the Western market, the Lucky-Goldstar Corporation was renamed “LG”, the abbreviation of “Lucky-Goldstar”. More importantly, the company associates the letters LG with the company’s tagline “Life’s Good”. This tagline came from Australia, where many of the products are tested first by LG.

The Goldstar brand is very familiar to this Kiwi, for one. Don’t know how much market penetration it ever got in the US.