
Stephen Colbert on Mitt Romney's Anglo-Saxon Heritage

SanFranciscoZionist7/26/2012 12:43:56 pm PDT

re: #117 Obdicut

I’m trying to figure out what the outrage is supposed to be?

Because our own soldiers do not use AKs, although we do train people on them, since they are so very common worldwide. Special ops may occasionally use them as well. So, Obama’s not talking about AMERICAN soldiers.

Also, because of its easy availability and ease of use, it’s a popular weapon of terrorists, insurgents, tin-pot dictators and the like, worldwide.

That’s where the outrage comes in.

Of course, AKs are used by the armies of Turkey, or as my father likes to refer to them OUR NATO ALLY Turkey, several respectable countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Vietnam…quite a number of places that shouldn’t incite much fury.

As well as a lot of hellholes and terrorist orgs, and terrorist orgs supplied by hellholes.

I’m not sure it was the smartest statement ever, but it will have gained a special new malevolence by lunchtime—wait, it is lunchtime.