
New Obama TV Ad: Collapse - "Wrong Then, Dishonest Now"

Killgore Trout10/29/2012 4:18:10 pm PDT

re: #114 Joanne

Which was total bullshit and if you’re being honest (which, unfortunately, we’ve already established you don’t care about) you know that, too. Parsing the meaning as mostly false was laughable. They said they couldn’t determine Romney’s meaning so they gave it a mostly false. Which in itself was laughable. But, again, none of that matters to you. It’s all about making points to you, truth or not.

It took all of 30 seconds to google and understand what he was trying to say. Here’s Portman’s giving the same speech at Hoffstra University a few days ago….

“Look, I supported a rescue for the auto companies, but these are desperate attacks by President Obama ‘cause he doesn’t want to talk about his record,” the senator said. “First, it was President Obama who actually took GM and Chrysler through bankruptcy. That’s a fact. Second, Mitt Romney did propose government help. He proposed government guarantees for loans. He proposed the government backing up the warranties, and folks, all the independent fact-checkers who have looked at this agree, President Obama was wrong. He was not telling the truth.

He deviated from the script in the Dkos version. It’s not hard to figure out what he was trying to say.