
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

simoom11/07/2013 7:27:45 pm PST

While CBS is at it, they can also issue a public apology & retraction for Sharyl Attkisson, months back, making the rounds on Fox, Right-wing Radio, Politico and even a CBS News broadcast, clearly suggesting, though not quite stating outright, that her computer was hacked by the DOJ as some sort of retribution for her Benghazi and Fast & Furious “reporting”.

As of late September she still hadn’t completely let it go:

When asked how she knew her machines had been compromised, Attkisson mentioned that they were turning on at night in suspicious ways. Also: “I had people warning me and coming to me as a result of the reporting I was doing on Benghazi. I had sources saying — theorizing, I should say — that you’re being surveilled and then I had excellent sources able to basically tip me off and we were able to confirm much of this with our own technicians. So, I’ve had a lot of help from people who are concerned about what they see going on in some corners of government and with what’s going on with reporters. So I’m thankful for that ‘cause I wouldn’t know, I really wouldn’t know, if I hadn’t had some help.”

Sounds like a bunch of crackpots and conspiracy theorists.