
New Year's Eve Open Thread

calochortus12/31/2013 5:13:51 pm PST

re: #122 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Jesus Humbucker Christ, if I get any more emails from the DNC today I’m going to… complain about it. I happily donated a grand total of about $50 over the course of the 2012 election cycle to a tiny handful of (D) candidates that made my bile gurgle significantly less than their (R) opponents, and now they’re pestering the shit out of me, much worse than my dog does when I’m sitting at my desk trying to eat a sandwich.

At least it’s not phone calls. After contributing to the DNC, they seem to have sold our information to a bunch of other liberal causes, who all took up calling regularly along with the aforementioned DNC. I hate to say it, but I don’t think I’ll be donating again.