
A Lost World: 1960s Afghanistan, the Photos of Bill Podlich

simoom1/23/2014 1:49:58 am PST

Wolf Blitzer / Jane Mayer interview.

Jane Mayer Explains Her ‘New Yorker’ Interview With Edward Snowden

Starts out with her obfuscating around Wolf Blitzer’s questions on how exactly the communication worked for her Snowden interview, and then is mostly uninteresting Snowden apologetics. She also dodges a question about whether or not she asked Snowden to address this charge:

ROGERS: … we noticed that a guy that was worried about privacy issues spent a lot of time, and as a recent DIA report revealed, stealing information the vast majority of which had nothing to do with the NSA program and everything to do with our military capabilities, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, number one.

The relevant bit from the above Blitzer / Mayer interview:

BLITZER: What Mike Rogers also says, he says that if you take a look at the at the stuff that Snowden stole, some of it does deal with the privacy rights of the american public, but most of it, he says, deals with major military related issues, that only a country, let’s say like Russia or China, would really find beneficial, and that had nothing to do with national security issues, if you will — privacy issues, if you will. Did you get into that at all with him?

MAYER: Well, I mean, he, you know, the other thing is that we don’t know, I’m not sure how he knows, but maybe he does, but we don’t really know everything that’s that-that Snowden took. So, I mean, and what’s been released so far really is focused on the privacy issue and has obviously broken into a, you know, tremendous debate all around the world.

BLITZER: Because Rogers says a lot of it deals with military hardware, stuff like that, sensitive information.

Seems likely the real answer is “no, I never bothered to raise that obvious question about the composition of the files he stole. I was too busy facilitating his essentially puting out a press release.”