
Gateway Pundit Claims the "Obama Admin" Awarded a "$50M Contract" to House Migrant Children: A Bald-Faced Lie

jaunte7/16/2014 2:59:58 pm PDT

Interim Sheriff: Militias not Needed

[Hidalgo County] Interim Sheriff Jose Eduardo Guerra said militias from Texas and other parts of the country have contacted him. He said they offered to help deal with influx of illegal immigrants.
“Since this whole influx of unaccompanied minors and the family units has drawn so much media attention, I think the message that’s getting out there is that we’re having this, an invasion of people coming into this country and that’s absolutely not true,” Guerra said.
Guerra said there have been reports of incidents involving militias in others states. He said they caused more harm than good.
“They have been involved with assaults in shootings, so we don’t need that. We don’t need that here. We don’t need them, bottom line, we don’t need them,” the interim sheriff said.
“If they really want to make a difference I would suggest to them that they contact their representatives, both their senators and their representatives in Congressman and have them move toward immigration reform,” Guerra said.