
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/10/2015 9:23:56 pm PDT

re: #120 Charles Johnson

For some weird reason, white supremacists often lie about being white supremacists, even as they’re spewing white supremacist crap all over the place. I don’t know if they think they’re fooling other people or if they’re just that deranged and disconnected from reality. Doesn’t really matter though. Bottom line is that these are sick people.

They hide behind “Europeans have done great stuff, so why can’t I be proud of that?” shtick. The subtext is much the same as white supremacism, though. By boasting about European accomplishments — which would include the subjugation of large non-white populations across the globe — these Euro-white boosters are essentially saying everyone else is inferior, even as they say China, for example, has a rich and important history.

I mean I’m a white guy with Euro ancestry, but that’s not my self-identity. It’s not something I want to rub other people’s noses in, especially considering my current location, y’know? it’s just not that important to me. The present and the future are my focus, not the past.