
And Now, the Chuck C. Johnson Fire Sale! Anybody Want to Buy Chuck's "Fake Rape" Domain Names?

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)1/06/2016 8:33:27 pm PST

By my reckoning, there should be another decision on CCJ handed down in the next week. Usually, the first week back from the holidays has all the Federal clerks busy just stamping out mis-filings and other last-second stuff that clogged the boxes to try to make end-of-year deadlines.

I can’t quite remember (after all the holiday eggnogg & whatnot) which filings are due for Teh Smackdown Grande … can anyone here track the course of the various ways that the next few weeks are going to suck for CCJ?

1. The First Amended Complaint that got re-filed to hilarious reaction back in October
2. The leaked faked Planned Parenthood tapes
3. The anti-SLAPP motions in California

Help me out here, folks. This popcorn ain’t gonna eat itself.