
Trump Fans Hold "Latino Outreach" Event in Los Angeles: "Operation Taco Bowl"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/29/2016 12:23:27 am PDT

Mr. Johnson, you got a shout out from a commentator at another blog.

The article is Dear Republicans, You Deserve This over at American NewsX.

The comment from a UK national:

I’m not an American, but I’ve been following US politics almost as much as i follow Manchester United and I’ve watched in disbelief in the last 12 years the disintegration of the moral and personal integrity of people on the right culminating with the election of President Obama.

I watched and read in open mouthed disbelief as bills and policies which would usually pass without any kind of questions or obstructions suddenly became contentious talking points. I watch as a republican led House and Senate abandoned any kind of responsibility to try and make the president look bad and yes, I watched in disgust as the right wing embraced the full on overt racism which was always there as a low dog whistle but through the likes of breitbart, hannity, limbaugh, the daily caller, fox nation, and others became a klaxon attached to the warning horn in an aircraft carrier.

If you haven’t read it Google the piece written by Charles Johnson of the website Little Green Football’s in 2009 where he explains why he left the right wing and predicted the direction they’ve now gone in. (emphasis mine)

It might be worth putting up that post again he refers to.