
Election Night Open Thread 4

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/09/2016 2:03:14 am PST

re: #104 EPR-radar

I really think hyperbole isnā€™t the way to go. The WW3 stuff, the rounding up of millions of immigrants, even building the wall will never happen for a lot of reasons. What winds up happening is that the opposition winds up looking like a bunch of hysterical crybabies. I know it sounds mean, but the idiots who voted for Trump have this ridiculous notion of our side that galvanizes them. Instead of a post racial world people hoped for with Barack Obamaā€™s election, it is actually a post reality world, where the fate of nations rides on the hysteria of the masses.
Objectivity lost to hysteria this time because the people who should have been objective lost focus. Iā€™ll try to put up a page this weekend about it, but millions(billions) of people have been blindsided by something they probably should have seen coming, but instead of focusing on the oncoming storm, they would up denying reality themselves. I tried to sound this horn here last year, but even so, I allowed myself to believe people wouldnā€™t be this stupid. The sad fact is this election wasnā€™t even close. The only silver lining is the empty popular vote margin, meanwhile Republicans won elections allover the country again.
Itā€™s going to take more than just courage and well thought out comments to fight back, itā€™s going to take brains, and Iā€™m going to challenge this community to get its shit together.
Unfortunately, Iā€™m about to work three straight fourteen hour days, so Iā€™m sure yā€™all be holding your breath :p