
Comedians Cover Trump Best: Seth Meyers on Trump's Ridiculous, Delusional National Emergency Declaration

Citizen K2/19/2019 1:17:24 pm PST

re: #124 mmmirele

The Russians definitely don’t help, but we have our own Fifth Columnists who hate women and don’t want to see them in positions of authority. I pointed out last night that the current president of the Southern Baptist Convention, JD Greear, equated female and “gay” pastors to sexual predator pastors. I chewed out one guy on Twitter by pointing out that being a woman or LGBTQ was not illegal, but preying on kids WAS.

However, the deeper point is that a lot of our Evangelicals think that women are simply disqualified because of the “sin of Eve” (i.e., that she was deceived and ate the fruit). There were a lot of these pastors who stated boldly in 2016 (and before) that women should not be president and there are others who will tell you that women shouldn’t even be in political office, period.

I could see the Russians picking this up and running with it to influence 2020.

And even on our side, we have people picking out every little thing in order to shit on any Dem that just happens to be a woman, even when said sins never quite reach the level of male pols, Republican or Dem. (Conveniently, the only Dem woman that seems to be spared the furor from the same lefty groups hating most of the female candidates? One Sen. Gabbard, who has an infinite amount of baggage worth actually criticizing and dismissing her for, and it doesn’t include shit about hot sauce or musical recollection or dumb trivial shit).

The distinct problem is that we have our own set of ratfuckers who seem intent on aiding Trump through inaction. And while they seem to have their sights set on burning down the Dem party as a whole, they seem especially susceptible to hair-raising bullshit toward Dems who are PoCs and/or Women. And they seem depressingly not insignificant.