
Video: Elon Musk Wanted to Tip Off Trump to Secret Search Warrant in Jan. 6 Case

William Lewis8/10/2023 1:50:03 pm PDT

re: #127 ๐Ÿˆ Crush White Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ

It is more complicated than that, of course.
My brotherโ€™s family are evangelical christians who vote for Republicans.

If you watch CNN, youโ€™ve seen ads about a group that takes handicapped kids out on a boat fishing. My brother volunteers with that group.

If they support Trump that is insufficient grounds to give me any reason to think they are decent people. Itโ€™s not enough. Someone needs to look them in the eye and tell them that they are not good Christians just because one little thing forgives the evil they do daily.