
Iran's Manhattan Project

Kosh's Shadow4/03/2009 2:35:45 pm PDT

re: #125 _RememberTonyC

I really believe the Mossad has people in iran that have infiltrated their nuke program. The Israelis haven’t survived this long by being stupid. And I also believe they have plans that will run counter to conventional wisdom. IMHO it is far more likely that Israel will strike quietly to disable PARTS of the iran program instead of going for wholesale 100% destruction.

If I were the Israelis, I’d be trying to set it up so when they reconfigure to make highly enriched uranium, the centrifuges “fail”, thus destroying the facility and making it so radioactive they’d have to rebuild from scratch.

Of course, I have absolutely no connection with the IDF or Mossad.
But if someone from Iran is reading this, can you take the chance? Maybe you should just shut down your entire enrichment process while you meticulously inspect all of it. Are you feeling lucky, punks?