
Midday Open Thread

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/01/2010 1:22:00 pm PST

Re: John Edwards and slimeball politicians.

Politicians have always been slimeballs and probably always will be. What we need, therefore, is a politician whose slimeballery manifests in ways that extend beyond bonking groupies and taking bribes from civilian slimeballs. We need somebody whose underhandedness and lack of scruples (inevitable in politicians) will be directed toward maintaining peace and prosperity in the world. These would be such things as manipulating enemy media, tricking murderous dictators and stabbing them in the back when they aren’t looking, and devising new and more fiendish ways to destroy terrorists.

Richard Nixon, though not uniformly successful as a slimeball, comes to mind as a representative example. If he were POTUS today, he might have already been to Tehran, where he would have pilfered the palace silver, stolen half their oil and all their nukes, and left Dinnerjacket happy and pleased to have been of service.