
Scientific Review Shows 'Unambiguous' Evidence of Global Warming

HoosierHoops3/04/2010 4:26:23 pm PST

I’m still in the Climate change for dummies stage and try to read lots of links…
But I have always loved pure science websites since the web started.. I read bad Astronomy every day..The Universe today the daily Galaxy ..I mean there are a lot…. Dr. Pamela Gay is like one of my hero’s..She buys Telescopes for Girl Scouts to explore the Universe…
This may be the first time in my life Scientists have been portrayed as nothing more that Dr. Frankenstein in a Castle that want to do nothing more that bend you over and f*ck you and steal your wallet..
I am amazed at this turn in political events…
I’ve got to do some googling..When was the last time we politicized science to this degree? Scopes trials? I’m going to have to do a post on this….