
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

garhighway9/21/2010 1:42:57 pm PDT

re: #102 Ericus58

This is why I say both sides are just playin’ da game.

Take each issue on it’s own merits.
DADT? Make is so.
DREAM? You bet.
Military Funding? Gotta have it.
See? I’m all nice and fuzzy warm on the topics. But you knew that, right?

Why tie all three together in the same bill if you are all about “doing the will of the people”.
The Dem’s knew this by working the proposed legislation as such - and they got the GOP to bite.

Anyone that is for serious governance and results should be upset. Sure, blame the GOP more but don’t be blind to the Dem’s part either.

And unless you have me on video doing the “magically balance-fairylike manner” dance, then it’s all in your head.

So three things you like become one thing you don’t like when it’s one vote? Explain that to me, would you?