
New Poll: 51% of Likely GOP Voters Are Birthers

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/15/2011 4:45:41 pm PST

Hey all! It’s been a busy day…

So just reviewing:

1. Fox News did a successful big lie with the nirth certifikat nonsense and effectively brainwashed 51% of the GOP, making it the Goebbels Old Party for some.

2. Republicans are trying to legalize murdering medical doctors who don’t believe that life begins from the moment you unhook her bra. I doubt that will pass, but the fact they are emboldened enough to try speaks volumes, making it the Rethuglican party for some.

3. The Republicans have tried to redefine rape, allow wingnut hospitals to let women die rather than receive and emergency abortion (hey, if she dies, you loose the fetus too morons!) making them the Grotesque Old Party for anyone who doesn’t hate women.

4. The Republican privatized prison system has had its first major conviction of corrupt judges unfairly sentencing children for kickback money from the prison corporation truly making them the Gomorrah Old Party… truly the big sin there was less of the interesting sex acts and more of the corrupt greedy courts.

5. Beck and Fox continue to delude masses about communists everywhere but that is another big lie.

And oh yes, I had an amazing Valentines’ day. I must remember that when the realities of the news seem a bit too much.

On a side note, some Jewish women are very opposed to doing something for V-day. Others see it just like every other woman in America. Personally, I rather like the chance to cook a great meal and show some appreciation.

On another side note.. a little birdy told me that there is an entire thread on the village of the banned wishing me and my girl all sorts of ill will last night. I haven’t looked. However, I must point out to those reading this from there, but really how pathetic are you if you are spending Valentine’s day blogging about someone else who is actually with someone on Valentine’s day? Honestly, guys, a little tip to you, if you stop being hateful, drunken and semi-literate, girls might dig you. Chen, it would also help if you moved out of your mom’s house.