
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/08/2011 11:02:50 pm PST

re: #123 Gus 802

Stalin may have been an atheist but he was still mostly a right winger. Stalin had more in common with the Republican Party.

re: #122 Gus 802

Right wingers are the most evil people ever to hit the Earth. Think about it. Hitler was a right winger. Stalin was a right winger. Mao was a right winger. Che Guevara was a right winger. Fidel Castro was right winger.

The only reason American whackjob conservatives despise and resent Islamic fundies and other totalitarian bigots like Stalin and Pol Pot is because they are the competition. and just as good at eliminating everything and everyone in their path.