
Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

Testy Toad T11/17/2011 11:58:24 am PST

re: #119 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

The TPers were quick to come up with a “vision” because it came prepackaged, composed primarily of Obama hatred and reheated talking points. The movement boiled down to a lot of old white folks screaming “Down with government spending, but hands off my Medicare!”

It’s super easy to express a stupid talking point ineffectively. It’s kind of hard to lay out in a nice clean soundbite that unfettered capitalism has preferentially helped those that already didn’t need the help, and that our society and way of life needs, at the very least, some careful consideration so that we don’t end up in another Gilded Age.