
Heritage Foundation's Jim DeMint Promises More Obamacare Insanity

Blind Frog Belly White10/18/2013 2:50:11 pm PDT

re: #99 Political Atheist

Right, it took a severe aberration for a republican to have a shot at all. The Dems have owned this state, and it’s state of affairs for a long time now. What I find interesting is the influence Southern California lacks in the state legislature.

Gray Davis was preceded by TWO 2-term Republican governors, George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson, and as recently as 1996 the Assembly had a GOP majority.

To be fair, though, as the GOP went slowly insane during the Clinton years, and, honestly, through the Bush years and then completely bugfuck crazy after 2008, the GOP’s numbers dropped precipitously. Now they’re under 1/3 of the assembly, mostly from the big, empty counties.